
Sharifa Akter Rukaia

Assistant Professor
+88 01533341037
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Degrees and Universities Attended

• MSc  in  IT  from  Jahangirnagar  University
• BSc  in  EEE  Eastern  University,  Bangladesh

Short Introduction

Sharifa Akter Rukaia has earned her Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Eastern University and master's degree in information technology from Jahangirnagar University in Bangladesh. She has completed her SSC and HSC from BAF Shaheen College Dhaka. She is working as a lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at City University in Bangladesh. Her research interests are in Electronics, Artificial intelligence, Power and Communication. She is a former debater. Also, she has working experience in the practical field. She believes in the ideology of the teaching profession's ability to make a difference for each and every individual student. She intends to approach everything she does with a positive attitude, lots of enthusiasm, and a vision to ‘make the difference’.

Teaching experience

• Lecturer,  Department  of  EEE,  City  University,  from  2017  to  till  now.

Research Interest

Artificial  Intelligence,  Electronics,  Embedded  Systems,  Power  System  and  Communication.


1. Md  Sadad  Mahamud,  Md  Abdullah  Al  Rakib,  Tareq  Mohammad  Faruqi,  Mainul  Haque,  Sharifa  Akter  Rukaia,  and  Sumaiya  Nazmi.  "Mouchak-An  IoT  Basted  Smart  Beekeeping  System  Using  MQTT."  In  2019  4th  International  Conference  on  Robotics  and  Automation  Engineering  (ICRAE),  pp.  84-88.  IEEE,  2019.

2. Md  Abdullah  Al  Rakib,  M.  Tanseer  Ali,  Md  Sadad  Mahamud,  Tareq  Mohammad  Faruqi,  Sharifa  Akter  Rukaia,  and  Mainul  Haque.  "Energy  Harvesting  Technology  from  Human  Motion."  In  2020  2nd  International  Conference  on  Advanced  Information  and  Communication  Technology  (ICAICT),  pp.  183-188.  IEEE,  2020.

3. Mohammad  Abdullah  Al  Mamun,  Mohammad  Istiak,  Khandakar  Abdulla  Al  Mamun,  Sharifa  Akter  Rukaia.  “Design  and  Implementation  of  A  Wireless  Charging  System  for  Electric  Vehicles”  2020  IEEE  Region  10  Symposium  (TENSYMP),  2020.

4. Md  Abdullah  Al  Rakib,  Shamim  Ahmad,  Tareq  Mohammad  Faruqi,  Mainul  Haque,  Sharifa  Akter  Rukaia,  and  S.  Nazmi.  "Design  and  Simulation-Based  Parametric  Studies  of  a  Compact  Ultra-Wide  Band  Antenna  for  Wireless  Capsule  Endoscopy  System  at  Inside  Body  Environment."  International  Journal  of  Electrical  and  Electronic  Engineering  &  Tele-  communications  (2021).