
Md. Humayun Kabir Khan

Associate Professor
+88 01834-300212
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Degrees and Universities Attended

• M.Engg.  in  EEE,  Dhaka  University  of  Engineering  &  Technology  (DUET),  Gazipur,  Bangladesh  
• B.Sc.  in  EEE,  Dhaka  University  of  Engineering  &  Technology  (DUET),  Gazipur,  Bangladesh

Short Introduction

Md. Humayun Kabir Khan received a Bachelor's and Master's degree in EEE from Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET). He started his career in April 2014 as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of EEE at City University, Bangladesh. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the same Department and University. His research interests focus on Power Plant Engineering, Power System Protection, Power Electronics, and Embedded Systems. Md. Humayun has a strong record of industrial training in his area that includes HV transformer and overhead and underground cable manufacturing processes, grid and distribution substation maintenance, and power generation systems. He also has experience working in the country's largest power generating company.

Teaching experience

• Assistant  Professor,  Department  of  EEE,  City  University,  from  01  April  2019  to  date.  
• Senior  Lecturer,  Department  of  EEE,  City  University,  from  2015  to  31  March  2019.  
• Senior  Lecturer,  Department  of  EEE,  City  University,  from  2013  to  2014.
• Lecturer,  Department  of  EE,  Model  Institute  of  Science  &  Technology  (MIST),  from  2011  to  

Research Interest

Power  Plant  Engineering,  Power  System  Protection,  Power  Electronics,  Embedded  Systems.


Md.  Humayun  Kabir  Khan
Assistant  Professor
+88  01834-300212

Faculty  and  Department  Affiliation

Faculty  of  Science  and  Engineering
Department  of  Electrical  and  Electronic  Engineering

Degrees  and  Universities  Attended

• M.Engg.  in  EEE,  Dhaka  University  of  Engineering  &  Technology  (DUET),  Gazipur,  Bangladesh  
• B.Sc.  in  EEE,  Dhaka  University  of  Engineering  &  Technology  (DUET),  Gazipur,  Bangladesh

Short  Introduction

Md.  Humayun  Kabir  Khan  received  a  Bachelor's  and  Master's  degree  in  EEE  from  Dhaka  University  of  Engineering  and  Technology  (DUET).  He  started  his  career  in  April  2014  as  a  Senior  Lecturer  in  the  Department  of  EEE  at  City  University,  Bangladesh.  He  is  currently  working  as  an  Assistant  Professor  in  the  same  Department  and  University.  His  research  interests  focus  on  Power  Plant  Engineering,  Power  System  Protection,  Power  Electronics,  and  Embedded  Systems.  Md.  Humayun  has  a  strong  record  of  industrial  training  in  his  area  that  includes  HV  transformer  and  overhead  and  underground  cable  manufacturing  processes,  grid  and  distribution  substation  maintenance,  and  power  generation  systems.  He  also  has  experience  working  in  the  country's  largest  power  generating  company.

Teaching  experience

• Assistant  Professor,  Department  of  EEE,  City  University,  from  01  April  2019  to  date.  
• Senior  Lecturer,  Department  of  EEE,  City  University,  from  2015  to  31  March  2019.  
• Senior  Lecturer,  Department  of  EEE,  City  University,  from  2013  to  2014.
• Lecturer,  Department  of  EE,  Model  Institute  of  Science  &  Technology  (MIST),  from  2011  to  2013

Research  Interest

Power  Plant  Engineering,  Power  System  Protection,  Power  Electronics,  Embedded  Systems.


01. Md.  Humayun  Kabir  Khan  “Design  of  a  Real  Time  Based  Data  Acquisition  System  for  Temperature  Measurement  at  Industrial  Environment  using  PIC16F877A”,  City  University  Journal  Volume  2,  Number1,  March  2016.  ISSN  2412-2823,  pp.  1-7.

02. Md.  Humayun  Kabir  Khan,  Md.  Ikthiam  Bin  Taher,  Shams  Ul  Islam,  and  Farjana  Ferdous  Tonni  “A  Pragmatic  Approach  of  Managing  Maximum  Power  Demand  with  Generator  Control  Mechanism  using  PIC  Microcontroller”  Journal  of  Power  Electronics  &  Power  Systems,  Volume  8,  Issue  2,  June  2018.  ISSN:  2249-863X  (Online),  ISSN:  2321-4244  (Print),  pp.  11-18.

03. R.  Ahmed,  M.  H.  K.  Khan,  and  A.  K.  Karmaker  “Microcontroller  based  Power  Factor  Improvement  using  Switched  Single  Capacitor”,  DUET  Journal,  Volume  4,  Issue  1,  December  2018,  ISSN  2312-1718,  pp  21-28.

04. Md.  Humayun  Kabir  Khan,  and  Md.  Ziaul  Islam  “Design  and  Implementation  of  Transformer  Protection  Scheme  Based  on  Micro  PLC""  City  University  Journal,  Volume  5,  Number  1,  pp  28-36,  December  2020,  ISSN  2412-2823.

05. Md.  Humayun  Kabir  Khan,  Salah  Uddin,  Md.  Moklesur  Rahman,  and  Md.  Abdullah  Al  Rakib  “Pure  Sine  Wave  Inverter  Design  for  Street  Light  Emergency  Backup  System”,  International  Journal  for  Innovative  Research  in  Science  &  Technology  (IJIRST),  Volume  7,  Issue  10,  March  2021,  ISSN  (online):  2349-6010,  pp  12-18.

06. H.  Kabir  Khan,  and  A.  Al  Rakib  “Implementation  of  Inverse  Define  Minimum  Time  Under  and  Over  Voltage  Relay”,  INTERNATIONAL  JOURNAL  of  SMART  GRID,  Volume  5,  Issue  2,  June  2021,  ISSN  (online):  2602-439X,  pp  88-93.

07. Md.  Abdullah  Al  Rakib,  Shamim  Ahmad,  Md.  Humayun  Kabir  Khan,  Mainul  Haque,  Tareq  Mohammad  Faruqi,  Md.  Saroar  Jahan,  and  Jhuma  Kabir  Mim,”  A  Meandered  Line  Patch  Antenna  at  Low  Frequency  Range  for  Early  Stage  Breast  Cancer  Detection”  Indonesian  Journal  of  Electrical  Engineering  and  Informatics  (IJEEI),  Vol.  9,  No.  3,  September  2021,  pp.  662  -  674  ISSN:  2089-3272,  DOI:  10.52549/ijeei.v9i3.2824."

08. Md.  Humayun  Kabir  Khan  ,  Md.  Abdullah  Al  Rakib,  Sumaiya  Nazmi.    ”  Design  and  Performance  Evaluation  of  Numerical  Relay  for  Three-Phase  Induction  Motor  Protection”.  International  Journal  of  Smart  Grid,  Vol.7,  No.2,  June,  2023  pp  46-52.