
Dr. Engr. Fouzia Ferdous

Professor and Head
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Degrees and Universities Attended

Ph.D.  in  Electrical  and  Electronic  Engineering,  (BUET)
M.Sc.  in  Electrical  and  Electronic  Engineering,  (BUET)
B.Sc.  in  Electrical  and  Electronic  Engineering,  (BUET)

Short Introduction

F. Ferdous is currently working as Associate Professor and Head in the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in City University. Before this she had been the faculty member of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dept. in International Islamic University Chittagong for fifteen years. F. Ferdous received Ph.D. in Power Electronics from BUET. Before this she earned M.Sc. Engineering and B.Sc. Engineering in EEE from BUET. Her fields of interests are in Switch Mode Power Supply, High efficiency LED Driver, PFC driver and Power management in integrated Circuits.

Teaching experience

• Associate  Professor  &  Head,  Dept.  of  EEE,  City  University,  From  8th  July,2023  to  till  to  date.
• From  Lecturer  to  Associate  Professor,  Dept.  of  EEE,  International  Islamic  University  Chittagong,  From  31st  April  2001  to 7th July,2023.

Research Interest

 Switch  Mode  Power  Supply
 High  efficiency  LED  Driver
 PFC  LED  driver  and  
 Power  management  in  integrated  Circuits.


1. Design  Optimization  of  an  Efficient  Bicolor  LED  Driving  System,  F.  Ferdous,  A.B.M.  H.  Rashid,      
Electronics  2022,  11,  3984.
2. Design  of  a  High-Performance  AC-DC  LED  Driver  Based  on  SEPIC  Topology,  F.  Ferdous,  A.B.M.H.  Rashid,  International  Journal  of  Power  Electronics  and  Drive  System  (IJPEDS),  Vol  12,  No.2,  pp.870-885,  June  2021.
3. Design  of  a  detector  circuit  in  the  visible  region  by  using  LED,  Q.  Huda,  F.  Ferdous,  J.  F.  Khan  and  K.  Tahera,  Design  of  a  detector  circuit  in  the  visible  region  by  using  LED,  Q.  Huda,  F.  Ferdous,  J.  F.  Khan  and  K.  Tahera
4. Toward  Islamization  of  Science  and  Technology,  Ferdous,  F.,  &  Uddin,  M.  A.,  IIUC  Studies,  9,  233–242.
5. Scientific  Research;  Instructions  from  the  Holy  Quran,  Uddin,  M.  A.,  &  Ferdous,  F.  IIUC  Studies,  9,  225–232.
6. A  semi-Analytical  Drain  Current  Deflection  Model  for  the  Symmetric  Pocket      Implanted  n-MOSFET  using  Lorentz  Force  Analysis,  M.  H.  Bhuyan,  F.  Ferdous,  and  Q.  D.  M.  Khosru,,  International  Journal  of  Electronics,  Communications,  and  Electrical  Engineering  (IJECE),  ISSN:  2277-7040,  vol.  3,  issue  2,  February  2013,  pp.  35-47
7. Carrier  Conduction  Time  Delay  Model  of  the  Pocket  Implanted  Nano  Scale  n-MOSFET,  M.  H.  Bhuyan,  F.  Ferdous,  and  Q.  D.  M.  Khosru,  Journal  of  Bangladesh  Electronics  Society,  ISSN:  1816-1510,  vol.  12,  no  1-2,  June-December  2012,  pp.  67-74.    
8. A  Scientific  Approach  for  Poverty  Alleviation,  S.  Parvin,  F.  Ferdous,  IIUCIC  2014

Conference  Papers

1. Effects  of  Pocket  Profile  Parameters  on  Carrier  Conduction  Time  Delay  in  Pocket  Implanted  Nano    
Scale  n-MOSFET,  M.  H.  Bhuyan,  F.  Ferdous,  and  Q.  D.  M.  Khosru  Proceedings  of  the  National  Conference  on  Electronics  and  ICT  for  National  Development  organized  by  the  Bangladesh  Electronics  Society,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh,  3-4  October  2012,  pp.  253-258.
2. Carrier  Diffusion  Time  Delay  of  Pocket  Implanted  Nano  Scale  n-MOSFET,  F.  Ferdous,  M.  H.  Bhuyan,  and  Q.  D.  M.  Khosru,  Electrical  and  Computer  Engineering  (ICECE),  Dhaka,  20-22  December  2012,  pp.  603-606.

3. Temperature  Effects  on  Sub  threshold  Current  of  Pocket  Implanted  Nano-Scale  n-MOSFET,  M.  H.  Bhuyan,  F.  Ferdous,  and  Q.  D.  M.  Khosru,  Proceedings  of  the  International  Conference  on  Electrical  and  Computer  Engineering  (ICECE),  Dhaka,  20-22  December  2012,  pp.  599-602.

4. A  Threshold  Voltage  Model  for  sub-100nm  Pocket  Implanted  MOSFET,  M.  H.  Bhuyan,  F.  Ferdous,  and  Q.  D.  M.  Khosru,  Proceedings  of  the  International  Conference  on  Electrical  and  Computer  Engineering,  Dhaka,  19-21  December  2006,  pp.  522-525.